PsychoticUsagi's Journal

PsychoticUsagi's Journal


Honor: 199    [ Give / Take ]


10 entries this month

04:54 May 15 2024
Times Read: 64

Ya know. I think Elden Ring isn't Anthony's game. It's not for everyone. And if you've never played a FromSoftware Souls type game then I can understand it being difficult. The first time I played through Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, very difficult. By Bloodborne I kinda had it all figured out, but I get it. That's the thing though. He keeps telling me that he's played through Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro. But... how can you be this bad if that's the case? Mechanically speaking, the gameplay of all these games, except maybe Sekiro, is almost exactly the same. You can go from Dark Souls into Elden Ring, and mechanically for the most part, you're playing the same game. Why is he so bad at the game? Well, I decided to tale him Southward towards Castle Morne. In my opinion, this is the real starting area because it's very basic, entry level enemies with an extremely easy boss. You just have to stagger it. Get your wf summon, let them stagger-attack it while you do the most damage. If you do this very, very basic technique, this boss can not attack you. And he says to me after fighting him a few times, "This is the hardest boss in the game." Which made me laugh hysterically, and why Elden Ring is not for him. I wouldn't even call Leonine a proper boss, he's barely a mini-boss. And that's the hardest? And he's constantly in my ear whining about the game despite my giving him exact details, even sending him screenshots, he acts like I'm speaking another language. He is a little slow, just facts not judgment, he's a little slow so I try to be as patient as possible because he's not a bad gamer, he does fine in Fallout. But Fallout is pretty easy in comparison. I finally got so frustrated with him, and his negativity that I had to leave playing with him because he finally beats Leonine after finally utilizing my strategy, yay, good job. So I tell him, hey, there's a quest line you can touch on, the blind girl who gave you the letter, her dad is in Castle Morne. He asks me how to find him so I go into great detail in how to get to him.
"Hmm? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
I know it wasn't meant to be disrespectful. We're all gamers here, we're just having fun. But ya know... you fucking ask me for help, you screech in my ear to save you, and when I tell you hoe to win, you're not even listening to me. I play Elden Ring because it's very soothing. I know most people probably wouldn't say that, but the journey is something I enjoy greatly. Not someone in my ear constantly needing help. Like can't walk two fucking steps or wipe his own ass unless I tell him it's safe. You're in the wrong fucking game. Play the fucking game, figure it out. I'm not your fucking mommy, and if I was you're the kinda person I'd kick outta my house. I've taught you how to survive, get out there xD Get the fuck outta my game. I can explain to you why he's so fucking bad at this game. He relies on summons. He was frantic to find another player to summon in to beat the boss for him. And summoning in other player's is perfectly fine, but when you can't beat something on your own, when you need someone overpowered to come in, and save you... That's not how I play. That is some weak shit. That makes me not want to play this with you. If you've beaten the other games, stop whining, stop being a little bitch, and just fucking do it. Again... I understand he's a little slow. And it's totally fine not to beat these things in one try. People get hung up on how many times they've fought certain bosses... Early game, if it's too tough, go somewhere else. Level up. Practice. Enjoy the journey. The world is gorgeous. Ride around, take it in, spill some blood. Some bosses, even those others consider easy, can be very tough. When Dark Souls 3 first came out I got stuck at the Dancer, I fought her so many times, and could not vet past her to the point of me not playing for like two weeks. Then I come back, beat her first try. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in how many times you've tried to kill something, you start panic fighting. And Anthony is a major panic fighter, to the point that I'm not sure I can help him or if I even want to try. I'm trying to get DLC ready, and no way in Hell is he going to be in my ear during that.
Like this is what I have to deal with. After you beat Margit you roll up towards Stormveil. You have to go through the left, and hop up on a little ledge to progress.
"Just hop up on the little ledge."
"I see it, but I'm worried it'll push me off..."
"Nah, you're totally fine, hop up."
"I really think it's going to make me fall though."
"No... you'll be fine, promise."
"I think it must be another way through."
"Look, even if you die there's a fucking site of Grace five steps from you, jump up the fucking ledge."
"Hey, you were right."
It's a fucking mindless argument every time he has to so anything. If you don't trust me then stop asking me to help you or I'm going to start purposely getting you killed just for fun. I've played this game, I've played it a lot, I've gotten to the end almost three times. It's such a mental drain dealing with this next-level idiocy. Not because he's slow, 100% because he doesn't fucking listen.




20:31 May 14 2024
Times Read: 95

So we've learned... Anthony is not good at Elden Ring xD
To be fair, most people aren't good at a FromSoftware game when they pick it up. It takes time to develop your skill. But... he's the kinda gamer who expects you to hold his hand, and tell him exactly where to go, what to do. And in an open world RPG, there isn't a definitive answer for that. Elden Ring tells you very clearly when you get out into the world to head for Stormveil. But you can really go any direction. For example, me knowing where I am and where I'm going, I immediately took off to find my Scythe, the closest place to do this being Summonwater Village which is a bit of a ride, but the only way to get this particular scythe is to get a drop from a skeletal mage. Anthony wanted to go there too, and I'm like, dude... there are a lot of giants, bears, bandits, and skeletons along the way. On top of having to describe to you exactly how to get there. Sometimes I need to go do things while you stay and grind. And then it took over an hour of killing the same two skeletons to even get the scythe drop. But I fucking got it. It'll do while I work my way to Eleonora's Poleblade, and eventually Rivers of Blood.
We did end up fighting Margit at Stormveil. Well... When he summoned me in to help him, we didn't quite get it. So I decided that I was going to do a practice run on my own, and ended up beating him first try on my own xD You have to remember, that's what I'm used to, fighting these bosses by myself, I've never fought with another player before, and having someone shrieking in my ear, "Don't die, don't leave me!" Dude... you gotta stop that. So since I had beaten Margit by myself, Anthony summoned in two random players to help him, who according to him were way overpowered, and basically killed the boss in like 30 seconds for him. I just don't have any respect for that. Not to take away from him victory, but... it's not the same as beating it yourself, having two strangers come in, and stomp it for you. That's why I don't summon people in to help me, I want to do it myself. So Anthony's skill set is... ehh, not good. But he did kill the Agheel Lake dragon. I had killed it at like level 15 so I encouraged him to also do so since the smaller dragons in Elden Ring are not difficult, they have a pretty basic moveset, stop/punch/spin/fire. I encourage him to do these things on his own so he can work on his technique. The thing about FromSoftware games, you have to figure out what works for you. It's ok to suck when you start because the game will hone you as you progress. Anthony isn't hopeless... It's just going to take some work, and hopefully get him away from needing to summon people in because it really is a completely different high killing a boss on your own. We have a long way to go. But I've got my scythe, most important~
I don't hand hold though. Elden Ring is not the gentle game for hand-holding. I don't mind giving advice on what to do or where to go, but if you can't handle it on your own, you shouldn't be playing it. Like I said, the game will teach you how to play it, if you just pay attention. FromSoftware games are NOT DIFFICULTif you pay attention. Yes, the game is going to kill you. Go with it.




00:58 May 14 2024
Times Read: 118

I was supposed to help Anthony with Elden Ring last weekend... but ended up at the lake instead so I wasn't on my PS5 til last night. And it was crashy as fuck. Some days it's a lot crashier than others, must be a server issue. So I wasn't on long which is a bummer since it was double scrip weekend. Scrip is what you use to craft legendaries. You take unloved legendaries, trade them for scrip then use the scrip to craft new ones. And you do this cycle until you get a god-roll. I wouldn't necessarily consider my gun to be super op, but let's just say I basically took down the Wendigo Collosus on my own with it. Me and Anthony ended up in a bad run against it with only one other person helping us. So... it was pretty much up to me because when you're higher level everyone thinks you should be able to tank bosses alone. And I can, but it's not a quick or easy fight. I've read about people taking down the Wendigo Collosus with a single mini-nuke. Now I'm pretty sure that was with a hacked weapon... and I would rather slog through a fight than have it over in two seconds. Still. It's a lot of pressure when one of your guys has a busted weapon, and the other is outta stims, and it's all on you suddenly with half this motherfuckers health bar left, and little wendigos running up, slapping your ass xD I was also running low on stims about halfway through, and as I jetpacked my way back up to the stash box I briefly considered just leaving the event... Because I did not think we had a shot at that point. You have to kill this thing within 25 minutes, and we were at less than ten at that point, and it was only half-way dead. So I truly considered giving the fuck up, and running away. But ya know, it's like killing a Dark Souls boss, you don't think you can handle it until you do. I'm so ready to get back into Elden Ring lore~
Hilariously, Anthony knew I was thinking about leaving because while I was grabbing more stims he yelled at me, "Psycho, don't you dare leave us down here!" xD
Hey... I only considered it for about five, maybe 10 seconds. No fucking faith in me, I swear🖤




07:35 May 10 2024
Times Read: 164

Met some cool dudes on Fallout tonight. One of them had me, and Anthony cracking up because... he joined our public team as soon as we made it, and he played with us for like 4 hours, but never said a word. Which is fine, some people want to play with others without like interacting with them beyond the game. Maybe you want to be social, but have some anxiety or maybe you just want to hang out with people in the background. Some people will kick people like that from their teams, but it doesn't bother me, all are welcome. And to be fair... some of the conversations we have, the dumbass stuff we talk about, I don't blame people for not talking to us. Sometimes people join our team, and immediately leave upon hearing us talking xD And that's totally fine. But I knew he could hear us because occasionally I'd say something, and he'd react to it. But he played with us for a few hours, up to us doing the Wendigo Collosus boss fight, and I really didn't think we were going to beat that thing because there were only five of us in the fight, three under level 100... But we pulled it off. And I had decided it was time to get off for the night so I was saying goodnight to Anthony, and I threw it out that Rodrick, the other guy playing with us, could team up with us any time because he had friended us both earlier. And out of the grim silence a voice, "Yeah, good game, guys, thanks."
I mean, technically anyone with a PS5 controller has a mic built into their controller, but most people don't use it without a headset because the sound quality is garbage without one. It just cracked me up that four hours we get nothing from this guy, and then as I'm headed out the door, he speaks.
I love shit like that. I fucking love Fallout~




23:46 May 08 2024
Times Read: 210

The stars have aligned, and I am no longer leaving for vacation on June 21st, it is now June 23rd. Soooo... I'll get two days with the Elden Ring DLC. Definitely not enough time to fully explore it, but enough of a taste. I like how they're saying you'll have to beat one of the hardest bosses in the game to get access to the DLC... and then I see they're talking about Mohg. Yeah, I gotta disagree as usual, Mohg is not really difficult. I think I beat him my first or second try on my first playthrough. I still firmly stick to the belief that Commander Niall is the hardest boss in the whole game, possibly even harder than Malenia, and you have to beat him to even get to Malenia xD I've beaten him twice, I absolutely hate him as a boss. Anthony had asked me what my favorite boss was in the entire Souls universe, and... I really don't know. It's common knowledge that Artorias is my favorite character, but I'd have to look at a spreadsheet of every boss. Often times the more difficult fights tend to be my favorites. Unfortunately, Commander Niall is just a horrible difficult fight, it's bad in all the worst ways that make it feel unfair and no fun.
Anthony revealed to me that he never actually finished Elden Ring... because
God of War Ragnarök came out. Makes me like him less now xD Look, you can be my friend, and never have played Elden Ring, but to have played it, and think God of War of all things is better... Nuh~




07:56 May 08 2024
Times Read: 229

My life...
Surrounded by idiots in Power Armor~
Made level 700 though.
Despite one such idiot actively trying to piss me off by standing right next to Mr, and launching explosives at everything. See, in this kinda situation, I then ruin everyone's fun. Because if you go stand in the tunnel that the ghouls are coming out of, if you invade their spawn point, they simply stop spawning. So... if you annoy me, I stand on the spawn point, and we can all have fun shooting at nothing on our side. Because you're so cool, and need all the kills to yourself, mommy just gonna have to take them away, ya little bitch. I really miss when it was all lower levels flooding the servers... You never have these problems with a level 20. There's always some motherfucker who sees my level, and puts himself into competition with me. It's just boring. But now it's onward to 800.




04:43 May 07 2024
Times Read: 278

Today... Anthony got tilted xD Tilted enough to kick someone from our team which I didn't think I'd ever see because he's a really sweet guy. So what happened... We were on 76 with two other guys, Pekpek and Gotham. Anthony and I decided to do the Daily OP, which is just like an extra area you can go to with special objectives to get different rewards depending on how fast you get it done. So we went, Gotham followed, Pekpek informed us that we had left right as the next event was starting. Not a big deal, we'll catch the next one. So the three of us, because Pekpek was off doing the world event, got through most of the Daily OP pretty quickly, no issues, all that was left was killing the last big enemy, and Pekpek decided to come in. When he gets there me and Gotham were already gunning this enemy down, Pekpek shoots it maybe a couple times, and it was almost dead anyway, but this asshole very condescendingly says, "You're welcome," after it dies. Thanking yourself for doing something totally unnecessary, very cool. But I figure, hey, he's just kidding, right? He's not seriously being a huge douche, it's just gaming talk. And I feel a little better about it a few minutes later when Pekpek, and I get to talking, and I told him about yesterday accidentally killing myself by my VATS auto-targeting a grenade someone had thrown, blew up right on me, instantly killed me, and he politely informed me there's actually a setting to turn off auto-targeting grenades. Very helpful, had no idea, so I thought ok, he's not THAT bad. His "you're welcome" rubbed me a little wrong, but maybe I'm too harsh. And he's also only level 725, merely 30 levels above me, surely someone barely above my own level doesn't think he's THAT much better. Because Anthony is 200, and Gotham is like 150, so I can see thinking highly of yourself compared to them xD But, buddy... we're pretty much on the same level. And having observed him killing shit, he wasn't killing anything faster than I was. So I let it slide. So then Anthony heads into an Expedition, and I follow him to help him out. And once again... Pekpek joins us towards the end of the Expedition, and basically sprints through the entire level to the end, and finishes it while me and Anthony are just fucking around killing shit. Because... what's the fucking fun of the running straight to the end? Either of us could easily have done that, but we were having fun taking our time, getting XP. Once you hit the end goal, enemies stop spawning so... we weren't trying for that. If you just want to run straight to the end before anyone else... why are you on a team? And once again, after basically ruining the whole Expedition, "You're welcome."
I was definitely annoyed, and within about 5 seconds Pekpek was forcibly kicked from the team xD Good riddance. That's some fucking Call of Duty energy, being overly competitive and antagonistic towards your own fucking team. Thank you... for running to the end, and doing something any one of us could have done? Apparently you've had so little validation in your real life you have to force it out of people online via incredibly menial accomplishments. Maybe you should go tell mommy all the big things you've done today. Fucking toxic. There's just no reason to be like that. And Anthony told me he felt bad about kicking him, but I'm proud of him. If someone is being an asshole, no mercy. There's a difference between like playfully jabbing vs actually thinking you're carrying your team, especially when you rush in after most of the work is already done. And it's not like he was directly being aggressive or anything, but that sorta condescending energy, especially towards a person you barely outlevel, I don't want that around me. I'd rather be genuinely helpful to the people on my team, not swoop in for the last hit, and act like I did it all. I would never treat lower levels like that, like I'm an overpowered god, and stand back while I kill everything. It's such a dumb mindset. I want everyone to have fun. I guarantee this is the type of person launching mininukes against ghouls, and then thinks he's done everyone a favor. You're welcome to kiss my ass, buddy, with all that micro-dick energy ~




06:45 May 03 2024
Times Read: 355

A lot of people tend to hop in, and out of Anthony and my public team on 76. What I've noticed about talking to most of them... Lotta convicts, lotta weed smokers. Which, ya know, whatever. But Anthony, precious as he is, feels the need to tell these people, "Smoking kills."
And I just sit there like... Anty, please, you're embarrassing me xD
Listen, boy scout... if someone wants to smoke, as an adult that's their personal choice. You don't need to explain the possible consequences of that. I'm sure they've heard it all their life. I'm sure they don't give a fuck.
I don't wanna say that this is why you've never had a girlfriend/are a virgin, but xD We're gonna have to work on his game. I just really don't want him to get attached to me like that because I've made it clear to him that I'm not looking for anyone. Nothing personal, he's a great guy, but you could be fucking Batman, and I'd turn you down right now. Probably. Batman is Batman... but Batman isn't Wolfie. And I'm still not over it. So B-man can go sit in the corner.




10:32 May 02 2024
Times Read: 402

It must be a fucking rite of passage as a super nerdy guy to get completely humiliated, and have your heart crushed by some useless bitch when you were younger. Because I've heard the story from Wolfie, Cheshire, and now my new buddy Anthony, very similar stories about being led on, bullied and eventually heartbroken. I feel bad for Anthony though because we were talking about my... rather colorful history with men xD And he's never even had a girlfriend. Or kissed. Or sex. And he's 20. So I guess it's not that bad. But still. I dunno if he's super unattractive or not, I'm not going to ask what he looks like because, I don't wanna go there. Not because of him, I'm just not interested in anyone so I don't want to give him any indication of that. He seems pretty normal other than being a huge nerd. He holds a conversation well, and he's super friendly, I've met a ton of people just through hanging out with him because he'll start a conversation with anyone. His personality isn't weird or cringey or anything. It fucking sucks how cruel people can be for literally no reason. I just have never seen the thrill of making fun of anyone, especially leading a guy on just to reject, and laugh at him. How pathetic do you have to be, as a woman, for that to be your life?
I will say, as much as I enjoy hanging out with other people on 76, I also kinda miss being by myself. Mostly because when I am in a group I kinda get sidetracked into doing whatever everyone else is doing. Like I'm trying to get to level 700, I'm at 691 right now, and I'd probably be further along if I was only worrying about myself. The big events are helping though, the alien ones. Killing aliens is surprisingly good for XP~
I actually haven't heard from Cheshire in a couple weeks. That's just kinda how he is, he's there, then he's not. Or maybe he's pulling the whole, "You never message me first so I guess I'm not that important," childish bullshit. That's just how I am. It's how I've always been. It's nothing person, I don't contact anyone first. It doesn't mean you're not important, doesn't mean I don't want you around. If I don't want you around, I'll block you. It's just a weird thing about me that I don't make contact first. Like I said, that's just kinda how he is though. He'll be there consistently for a couple months, and then he'll be gone for like a year. No man in my life has ever been consistent. So it's really no wonder why I'm over the whole relationship thing. Seems to be that way for a lot of women, like men come into your life just to let you down. My 12 year old niece learned that the hard way recently. She asked a boy out, he told her to go fuck herself, so now she has a girlfriend. I do not blame her xD




08:00 May 01 2024
Times Read: 428

I think I met my new bestie~
Anthony, the first guy I met last night, is kinda like a male version of me. Everything I'm into, he's into. Gaming, anime, horror movies, metal, Batman, he can seamlessly talk to me about all of these things. It's funny because we like to create a public team so other people can join up, and hear us, and talk to us, and a lot of people immediately leave when they hear us talking about absolute bullshit xD But then sometimes someone really awesome will suddenly join in the team, and the conversation, and I feel like that's part of the 76 experience, meeting random weirdos, and finding common ground with them. It adds to it. Right now there's another big two week seasonal event happening, Invaders From Beyond, wherein every 45 minutes there's an alien invasion event. But also, regular events can be taken over by aliens. So that's actually really awesome. I'm sure I'll be sick of it two weeks from now xD Hopefully there are some new plushies to win💗



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